Abundance: Writing the Driftless Foodscape/Farmscape

With Catherine Young

Date: October 3 – 5, 2019

9 am – 4 pm daily

Skill Level: This workshop is for all writers – those who have never written to those who write regularly and seek new ideas.

Class Fee:  $240.00


Come join our 3-day writing community out in the Wisconsin
to celebrate abundance in our landscape.

The rugged land of southwest Wisconsin’s Driftless Area yields a rich harvest of stories told by people who raise food in its soil or share in its beauty and bounty.

Do you have a story about living on or farming this land? Or about food you love to raise or purchase at a farmers’ market? Are you interested in writing about food or farm life as memoir or poetry or children’s literature?

Writer and geographer Catherine Young will offer exercises and prompts for generating and crafting prose and poetry. We will look for what each narrative wishes to be. Each participant will leave the workshop with new writings and ideas. If desired, we’ll discuss places to perform and publish our work.

Materials fee: (To be collected directly from students by instructor in class): $3 reading packet fee

Students need to bring:  Please bring along writing tools: pen and notebook, tablet, or anything that works for you except for “Sharpies,” permanent, and dry erase markers. Please also refrain from wearing fragrance. The instructor is disabled with MCS and needs to eliminate exposures.

Also as needed, bring sunscreen, hat, and comfortable clothes, for we hope to spend a little bit of time outdoors each day in this beautiful location.

Catherine Young  delights in finding the heart of a story. Her writing has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best American Essays. Catherine worked as a national park ranger, farmer, educator, and mother before completing her MFA in Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia. Her writing is published nationally and internationally in literary journals, and is featured in The Driftless Reader and in Edible Madison online. Rooted in farm life, Catherine lives with her family in Wisconsin’s Driftless Area. Sample her writings and podcasts at catherineyoungwriter.weebly.com

Register for this class HERE

Your registration includes lunches, and one free admission to Saturday night’s Cajun Dance.  (Bruce Molsky concert NOT included)