Folk School Classes

Quiet Season: January – May

February 18:  Exploring Dance Piano Styles Session II: “Couple Dances” with Amy McFarland; 5:30 – 7:00 pm CST (online) 

February 25:  
Exploring Dance Piano Styles Session III: “Contra, Old-Time, and Squares” with Amy McFarland; 5:30 – 7:00 pm CST (online) 

March 5: Writing Journey Series: Writing Journey 1 – Window Into Place
with Catherine Young 6:30 – 8:00pm CST (online)

March 8:  Maple Sugaring Basics with Bill Robichaud 1:00 – 4:00 pm CST (in-person; off-site)

March 11:
 Exploring Dance Piano Styles Session IV: “Irish, Scottish, and Canadian Dances” with Amy McFarland; 5:30 – 7:00 pm CST (online) 

March 18:
  Exploring Dance Piano Styles Session V: “English Country Dance” with Amy McFarland; 5:30 – 7:00 pm CST (online) 

March 19: Writing Journey Series: Writing Journey 2 – Collecting Honey Drops with Catherine Young; 6:30 – 8:00pm CST (online)

May 17 & 18: 
Two Day Wildlife Track & Sign Evaluation and Training with Matt Nelson  (in-person; off-site)

Special Session: April 2025

April 5 & 6: Black Ash Net Basket with Liandra Skenandore
In honor of the special “Indigenous Voices” partnership event to be held in April in various locations in Dodgeville and Mineral Point, Folklore Village is excited to offer a special session with Liandra Skenandore in making black ash baskets.

Special Session: May 2025

In partnership with Celtic Junction in St. Paul, MN, Folklore Village will be offering the following classes during the Beltane celebration May 2 – 4, 2025
May 2 – 4: Kolrosing the KNOT: A folk art “twist” between the Celtic and Norse Knot with Darlene Fossum-Martin
May 3: Celtic Knot Embroidery with Kelli Emerson


June 14: Paint a Folky Tote Bag – Swedish Style with Carol Bender

June 14: Barn Quilt Painting Workshop with Lori Schaefer

June 14: 
Introduction to Plant Based Dyes with Kipp Inglis

June 14: 
 Old-Time Music of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest with Jason Busniewski

June 14 & 15:  
Broken Pieces Mosaics with Linda Millunzi-Jones

June 14 & 15:  
Black Ash Bucket Basket with Liandra Skenandore


July 11 – 13: Woven Mohair Saddle Cinches, Guitar Straps and Hat Bands with Pop Wagner

July 11-13: Build a Small Harp in a Weekend with Alice Margerum

July 12: Intro to Japanese-Style Embroidery: Sashiko & Kogin-Sashiko with Kelli Emerson

July 12:  
Introduction to Blacksmithing with Greg Winz

July 12:  
Forging a Heart Hook with Greg Winz


August 9:  Visible Mending: Patching and Darning with Kelli Emerson

August 9: Foraging in the Driftless with Abbie Gale Lehman

August 9 & 10: 
Taking the Hard out of Hardanger with Lori Zimmerman

August 9 & 10: Spoon Carving with Derek Brabender

August 11-16: 
The Art of Gourd Banjo Making with Jeff Menzies


September 13:  Introduction to Blacksmithing with Greg Winz

September 13:  Forging a Tit-fer (Cajun musical triangle) with Greg Winz

September 13:  Fingerstyle Technique for Solo Guitar and Accompaniment with Brad Shryack

September 13: Boro Needle Book with Kipp Inglis

September 13 & 14:  Making it Personal: Storytelling with Kevin Kling


October 4:  Introduction to Swedish Dalmålning with Renee Vaughan

October 4:  Tapestry Weaving for Beginners with Lacie Mackintosh

October 4:  Nordic Herbs and Healing Arts with Gigi Stafne

October 5: Koselig, Hygge…Creating a Sense of Sacred Space with Gigi Stafne

Registration, lodging, etc. information HERE:  

A limited number of partial or full scholarships are available for Folklore Village Folk School classes, thanks to the generosity of our instructors who share their creative output with Folklore Village auctions.  To apply for a scholarship, please fill out the form HERE.  Please submit scholarship applications at least 3 weeks before the class begins.