We so appreciate the time and energy the Friends of Folklore Village invest in these wonderfully fun and supportive fundraising events. Thanks to all who come out to enjoy the events — your presence and your donations make such a difference!
2023 Quilt Raffle and Ladies Must Swing Spring Hop
Great fun was had by all! Raffle prizes included a lovely full-size quilt, a certificate for a 2-day Folklore Village Folk School class, a basket full of local foods and wines, and a certificate from Orange Tree Imports. Ladies Must Swing were in fine form, and the dance floor could not have been livelier!
2020 “50th Anniversary Quilt Raffle”
This quilt was raffled the night of January 23, 2021, at the conclusion of our online Jane Night. In keeping with Wisconsin State regulations, the drawing physically took place at Folklore Village. Anyone who wished to attend this outdoor drawing would have needed to be masked and socially distanced – but was welcome to attend. The drawing was also broadcast via Zoom, during the Jane Night online festivities. Over $5,000 was raised by dedicated Friends and regular board members. Thank you to all who purchased raffle tickets, and congratulations to our grand prize winner, Hank Kulesza!
This gorgeous 96″ x 96″ 100% cotton quilt was hand-made by Maria Terres, Amy McFarland, and Carol Ormand in honor of Folklore Village’s upcoming 50th Anniversary as an organization! This is a quilt that will be cherished for years to come, and its eye-dazzling design of traditional patterns Paddlestar & Weathervane can work with any decor; whether traditional or contemporary.
2019 Harvest Moon Gala
Awestruck guests, many of them entering Farwell Hall for their first time, were greeted by over 150 votive candles bedecking the tables and moon size lanterns overhead, while outside a dozen candlelit shepherds’ crooks swung in the cold night wind. The Harvest Moon Gala was the inspiration of the six-member Friends of Folklore Village Board, who worked for months planning the menu, decorations, and guest list of 100. While the fundraiser’s $70/plate ticket price initially shocked many, a dozen supporters reserved $500 tables of eight. The event raised $6,000, which enabled the Friends to meet their annual $10,000 goal. Kudos for the absolutely stunning debut of the Driftless Chicks (Marli Johnson, Pat Johnson, Victoria Mecozzi, Mac Robertson, and the three ‘Bettner Sisters’ – Jane, Joan and Jeannie). Victoria Mecozzi, accompanied by Doug Brown, knocked our socks off with four tunes, including a yodeling finale. Many guests enjoyed dancing to the piano and fiddle of Rare Privilege (Amy McFarland and Maria Terres) with Catherine Baer calling.
Three sponsors made the unforgettably enchanting evening possible: Planned Spontaneity provided décor, J. Miller’s RedBarn Catering served a succulent French Driftless menu at a digestible discount, as Hans Verick strummed classical guitar, and WORT 89.9 FM Community Radio helped spread the word. Spectacular raffle baskets included a Thanksgiving turkey, a Gail Van Haren chocolate coconut cake, and a gift certificate for a Sacred Rhythm’s Wellness massage. Thanks to all who contributed, in ways small, large, and green!
2019 Spring Success!
“Women who Till, Toil, and Tell Tales: An Evening of Stories and Songs by Rural Wisconsin Women” What a wonderful celebration of Wisconsin’s rural heritage from the perspective of women who make their living from the farms and fields that make this state a special place! Nine women farmers, gardeners and ag activists held a roomful of listeners spellbound with true stories embracing love of the land, commitment to its protection, the joy of raising frogs, earthworms, husbands, and children, and the challenges and privilege of being a generation that adds on to multi-generational heritage. Special thanks to storytellers Nadia Alber, Betty Anderson, Roberta Barham, Cecilia Farran, Betty Grotophorst, Kriss Marion, Cassie Noltnerwyss, Sarah Weier, and Catherine Young. Additional thanks to Trader Joe’s and the Willy Street Grocery Co-op for their support. “Women Who Till, Toil & Tell Tales” raised over $1,500 for Folklore Village, and additional donations are always welcome to keep the the crops of folklore organically growing!
2018 Spring Hop with “Ladies Music Swing”
We had a rip roaring good time swinging to the big band sounds of this award-winning, 19-piece all-women jazz band. Almost two dozen enthusiasts took advantage of the pre-dinner free swing dance instruction by neighbor and former FV Board member John Curran, and nearly 90 people from three states filled the dance floor throughout the evening. Between admission donations, a plant sale, and a raffle of two cakes baked by pastry chef Terry Vlossak plus six baskets overflowing with donated items, the Friends raised $2,600 for Folklore Village.
Special thanks to Wm. Chocolate and Mad Maiden Shrub for offering free samples of their delicious products, to Tamara Funk for judging the Swing Era fashions, and to WORT-FM Community Radio for promotional support and Jeff Resnick for his on-air interview of LMS manager June Dalton and Friends president Madeline Uraneck.
Both of Folklore Village’s Boards pitched in ~ members of the “Big Board,” with President Maria Terres, generously and personally underwrote the band. As Friends of Folklore Village, Inc., Kim Kantor, Lisie Kitchel, Gail Moede, Stephanie Motz, Lucy Richards, Marilee Standifor and Madeline Uraneck planned the fabulous evening and solicited the enticing donations.
Hats off to a jiving parade of volunteers and donors: Glenn Mitroff, Dan Lippitt, Gail Van Haren, Jane Bettner, Joan Jung, Joan Bettner Steele, Jennifer Angelo, Hank Weiss, Wendy Jensen, and Richard Lau. Thanks once again to the hard-working Friends crew for their dedicated ~ and fun! ~ support of Folklore Village’s year-round educational and cultural arts programming.
2017 Harvest Jam
The wonderful Friends of Folklore Village collected $6,500 in one night at their November 11 Annual Fall Fundraiser!
The Silent Auction netted $2,200, due to donations from knitters, potters, botanists, costume donors, downsizers, and house concert musicians. Dieters weakened when they encountered the fudge, cookies, salsas, rolls, and tortes on the Bake Sale table.
Over 150 donors pitched in to make the start of Folklore Village’s holiday season special indeed. The Friends organization encourages everyone to please contribute generously to Folklore Village’s annual fund drive, with its $122,000 goal (which includes donations, sponsorships, and grants).
Music and dancing was fantastic, thanks to spirited melodies and calling of Le Gran Fromage Cajun Band (Brian O’Donnell, Scott Mullarky, Katie Ping Woods; with Steve & Lori Pierick), Rare Privilege (Maria Terres & Amy McFarland; with Martha Tyner and Catherine Baer) and a Scandi-flavored Folklore Village Orchestra (Marli Johnson, Wendy Jensen, Nels Diller, David Schmaeng, Bonnie Gruber, Amy McFarland and Mac Robertson).
Many thanks to our community sponsors Walnut Hollow (Dodgeville, WI), Pure Sweet Honey (Verona, WI) and Home Works Remodeling (Middleton, WI).
2017 Springtime County Faire Fundraiser
Thank you, Friends, for the gorgeous afternoon! We enjoyed an Okinawan Taiko drumming performance by Anaguma Eisa, wool spinning and carding, baby goats and a lamb, face painting, Japanese koi nobori (flying carp kites), an archery demonstration, two cake walks, and a lovely Cornish tea with fresh scones, jam and cream. Enjoy a gallery of more photos from the day at our Facebook page.
2016 ExtravaDANCE
The ExtravaDANCEa was a resounding success!Thank you so very much to all who supported us through the ExtravaDANCEa, the Friends of Folklore Village’s fall fundraiser.
We danced, we played, we ate, we celebrated community. And we raised over $9,000.
Congratulations to our raffle winners:
Jackie Reeves (Centennial Quilt), Peter Bradley (Folklore Village Festival Scholarships), Marla Lind (Door County Getaway).
A huge and heartfelt hug of thanks to so many donors and volunteers:
* The bands and dance leaders: Veseliyka, and Emily Beebe, Rare Privilege and Catherine Baer, Folklore Village Orchestra musicians and Greg Winz
* Maria Terres, Amy McFarland and Carol Ormand, quilters extraordinaire
* Our friends in Door County: Al Johnson’s Swedish Restaurant and Boutique, Northern Sky Theater, Washington Island Ferry Line and Kari Sena Gordon, Kathleen Kay
* Photographer Meredith Montgomery
* The dozen bakers who contributed a dozen scrumptious cakes and pies for the delightful Cake Walk & Pie Trot
* WORT-fm 89.9
*Glenn Mitroff for another marvelous snack presentation
* The Friends of Folklore Village Board, who worked for nine months to make this a reality: Madeline Uraneck, Wendy Jensen, Jennifer Angelo, Becky Rehl, Lisie Kitchel and Kim Kantor, and retired member Marli Johnson.
* The Folklore Village Board and other friends who helped sell raffle tickets.