The Friends of Folklore Village was incorporated in 1998 as a stand-alone 501(c)3 Charitable Organization, whose purpose is to help provide financial support to Folklore Village. The Friends of Folklore Village aim to raise $10,000 for Folklore Village each year by presenting a variety of fundraising events, including the annual online auction.
Friends of Folklore Village Board Members
Sarah Weier: President
Lisie Kitchel: Vice President
Lucy Richards: Treasurer
Carrie Danielson: Secretary
Kenneth Kirkpatrick
Stina Seaberg
Join the Friends of Folklore Village
If you’re passionate about supporting Folklore Village, you are probably a good fit for us. Some additional skills that are useful are creativity, organizational skills, familiarity with, and connection to the Folklore Village community. The Friends of Folklore Village meet monthly over Zoom. For more information email