A Strategic Plan is a blueprint or map of sorts that an organization uses to fulfill its mission. The new Folklore Village Strategic Plan was two years in the making, and based on feedback from our community about the things they felt were important. Based on information in the survey, three board committees were formed – an Infrastructure Committee, a Participation and Engagement Committee, and a Financial Committee. Each has its areas of focus, which sets goals, monitors them as they are accomplished, and adds new goals as appropriate.
Infrastructure Committee – keeps tabs on all repairs and maintenance of our buildings, sets goals for repairs on things like roofs and repainting, helps ensure the funds are in place to execute those repairs – as well as any emergency repairs which might need to be done, and will oversee a capital campaign for a new building if we ever develop the capacity to do that.
Participation and Engagement Committee – watches over events and the finances for presenting events, and makes suggestions for additional programming initiatives. The focus of this committee has now been transferred to staff.
Financial Committee – helps ensure success for the Annual Ask, develops new fund raising initiatives and protocols, engages with donors, and watches over the Folklore Village balance sheet.
Our Committees do not have to be composed entirely of board members, so if there is an area of the Folklore Village operations that you feel strongly about, please let us know. We would love to have you join a committee. The Strategic Plan is now to be reviewed yearly, and updated as appropriate. Here is the update for 2023 – 2027.