Folklore Village is honored to care for 66 acres of native tall grass prairie that we are in process of restoring. The bountiful array of grasses, wildflowers, butterflies, birds, and wildlife create a stunning surround on the east and the west of Folklore Village’s 94 acres. Paths are mowed so that all who come are welcome to meander and enjoy. The prairies are not only excellent teaching spaces, but also represent our commitment to the caring stewardship of the land we are so fortunate to have been bequeathed by our founder, Jane Farwell. Read Eric Seaberg’s eloquent statement on Folklore Village’s commitment to the land we have been graced to care for here.

Because the lands were previously in cropland and grazing pasture, the prairies need regular maintenance to keep out invasives, and encourage native plants. Periodic burns are conducted during non-nesting season, and destruction of harmful weeds is conducted as well. Additionally we have a very small prairie demonstration garden, highlighting some of the native plants you will find on your walks, to make easier identification.
Folklore Village honors the distinct and beautiful landscape of the Driftless region where early settlers and our founder’s family chose to celebrate their lives. Our responsibility to environmental stewardship and sustainability is a primary concern. These prairies provide visitors a valuable piece of natural history and intrinsic beauty, while also supporting native pollinators and birds.

Thanks to the dedicated and hard work of our volunteer prairie crew, Folklore Village has been able to renew our CRP contract through 2035! Thanks to all who made that possible.
Also, we have recently formed a partnership with The Prairie Enthusiasts, who seek to ensure the perpetuation and recovery of prairie, oak savanna, and other associated ecosystems of the Upper Midwest through protection, management, restoration, and education.
For those who love prairies, we are always in need of volunteers to help us with our prairie project. Activities include:
– invasive weed removal
– seed collecting
– native seed spreading
– fire break preparation
– leading prairie tours for events
If you are interested in volunteering, please call the Folklore Village office and let us know! (608) 924-4000
We keep a wildlife cam in one of our prairies, in partnership with Snapshot Wisconsin. We cherish the original inhabitants of our Wisconsin home.