Ways to Give

Donate through our GiveLively

Make a one-time or recurring donation through our secure, online donation portal. Your donations help us present our diverse arts and cultural programming, maintain our buildings and grounds, and more.

Join our Circle of Love!

Join our Circle of Love! Sign up now to support Folklore Village through monthly giving. We’ve made it super-easy through our Give Lively secure donation portal. If you regularly give $100 at the end of the year, why not spread it out over the course of the year?

Donate Shares of Stocks

Folklore Village now has the capability to accept donations of shares of stocks. Contact us at (608) 924-4000 or info@folklorevillage.org for more information

Consider Folklore Village in your Estate Planning

If you are considering including a gift to Folklore Village in your estate planning, please consult your financial adviser. And be sure and let us know, so we can work with you on this process.

Employer Matching

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions. Contact your HR office to find out if your employer will help you support Folklore Village!

Donate your Time and Talents

There are many opportunities to volunteer your time and talents with Folklore Village. As a small arts organization, we are always grateful for volunteer support. To learn more about existing volunteer opportunities, click the link to the rigt.