
Gladdening the Gardens Workbee
May 26 | 10am

Each Memorial Day we host an annual Gladdening the Gardens Workbee where a contingent of faithful volunteers plant annuals around our main building. If you love to get your hands in the dirt, join our annual Garden Bee or see what other help we can use around our site.


Folklore Village is home to over 65 acres of restored prairie. We encourage any one who is interested to come meander our mowed paths and spend a lazy summer day communing with our badgers and butterflies. For those who want to experience more than just a walk, you can assist our prairie leaders in eradicating invasive plants and running controlled burns. Prior prairie experience is great but not required!


Do you consider yourself handy? We are always looking for people to help us out with small infrastructure repairs, painting, and other maintenance projects. Our lovely 94 acre site include a main hall, a 1893 one-room schoolhouse, a 1882 chapel, two bunkhouses, an outhouse, a farmhouse, and additional out buildings. All of these buildings are in continual need of maintenance and repair, and we appreciate all the help we can get!

Kitchen Support

Sharing a meal together is a huge part of attending a Folklore Village event. If you like spending time in the kitchen, consider lending a hand at our potlucks. Kitchen support volunteers help serve potluck dishes and snacks, as well as ensuring dishes get washed in our industrial dishwasher after the meal. If baking is more your style, we also have opportunities to bake delicious cakes, cookies, and tortes for events.

Volunteer Band

Local musicians looking for a musical outlet will really enjoy this low-pressure gig! Folklore Village’s Saturday Nights feature live music by a group of volunteer musicians. The repertoire consists of various folk tunes, many of which are featured in Folklore Village’s publications The Folklore Village Saturday Night Book and Scandinavian Folk Dances and Tunes. You don’t need to be an expert at your instrument to join the Folklore Village Band!

And more! If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, or if you’d like to propose another project, contact info@folklorevillage.org.